Monday, September 28, 2015

Blog Post #D- Chapter 5

After reading chapter 5 there are a few concepts I found the most interesting and important as a future educator.
To begin with, chapter 5 states that search engines are fast tools for teachers and students to access online information. However, there are search engines that do not provide information that is credible for academic purposes. There are certain search engines that will only provide sources that are credible, such as google scholar. Students and teachers can use search engines to research topics and find information. It is important that they narrow their search so that they can find relevant information to their topic. As a student while researching for a topic I come across vast amounts of information which is not all relevant. It takes practice to actually narrow your search and only find the relevant information.

The second concept I found to be very interesting is that of evaluating online resources. There are many resources that some may find to be useless but there are ways to evaluate them and really define their true value. Below is a poster of how to evaluate online resources.

The third concept is combating cyberbullying. This topic is crucial for teacher and students because it is a very common topic in technology I think it is important to create rules for a classroom. Cyberbullying involves computers, cellphones, or any other technology to harm people I think it is important that if a teacher implements technology that they are strict with the rules and that they make sure there is a zero tolerance for harmful behavior. The video below is a short film about


Using Technology to Inspire Creativity. (n.d.). Retrieved September 18, 2015, from

Izquierdo, N (2015, September 28). Evaluating Online Information. Created with Canva

Friday, September 18, 2015

Digital Blog Post #C: Chapter 3

After reading Chapter 3, there were a few concepts I found very interesting and vital to technology in the classroom. Technology and learning go hand in hand in today's classrooms. As a future educator I fear that we will not take advantage of technology and use it to benefit students. There are different learning  theories that teachers organize learning around. These four theories can be greatly impacted by technology and can be elevated to help students grasp concepts and have a better understanding of concepts.


Another concept in the textbook that I would like to discuss is how technology promotes critical thinking. There are many aspects of technology and tools that can be used in the classrooms. Many of these being games and interactive activities on websites and computers. These activities can be challenging and can help students become more engaged in their studying. It makes the students more excited to learn and more self driven. They feel more independent that they don't always need a teacher directing them, they can learn at their own pace and really grasp the material.

Just like technology sparks critical thinking, it also sparks creative thinking. Learning shouldn't just be straight out of a textbook. I do believe it should have some structure but their needs to be a balance of creativity as well. There are many different tools that can support the expression on creativity. Students can benefit from design tools, digital videos, podcasts, etc. These tools allow students to use their creativity while still applying themselves in learning new concepts. The video below is a perfect example of a student using technology as a tool to creatively describe the "Sea."


Using Technology to Inspire Creativity. (n.d.). Retrieved September 18, 2015, from

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc

Izquierdo, N (2015, September 18). Transforming Learning. Created with Prezi

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Digital Blog Post #B: Chapter 2

After reading and reflecting on chapter 2, there were three concepts that I found interesting and wanted to discuss:

First, I think it is important to be an innovator when it comes to education. As a future educator I would want to be the change agent in schools. This would motivate the other teachers and students to accept and embrace technologies into their classrooms. We should be excited to incorporate different technology strategies to prepare students for tests, and the real job force.

Second, the obstacles that schools may have implementing technology in classrooms. There many be certain obstacles such as tight budgets, or rapidly changing systems that can really impact the schools. There are also obstacles a student can have at home with technology. There may not always be availability to technology at home for every student. This article discusses Kids and Technology.

The third topic I want to discuss is how technology supports student learning and how it can help students better understand certain concepts. Knowing hoe to operate a computer, search the internet, and create power points can help with student learning. Technology can transform learning by supplying much more information to the students than past teaching techniques.

Elementary Student Blogs: Innovative Classroom Technology. (n.d.). Retrieved September 14, 2015, from

Maloy, R. (n.d.). Transforming learning with new technologies (2nd ed.).

Young Kids and Technology at Home. (n.d.). Retrieved September 8, 2015, from 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Blog Post #A - Chapter 1

The three concepts to reflect upon in chapter 1:

Photo credit to sidduz on Flickr

To begin with, this introduction chapter has really put some things in perspective for me. As a future educator it is really important that I realize the benefits of using technology and how they are crucial in today's teaching environments. 

The first concept I would like to discuss is the importance of social media, the internet and other new technologies. These technologies are affecting students and teacher daily. "Most 8- to 18-year-olds are using technology, experiencing a "digital childhood" and becoming an iGeneration of technology users in their teens." (Maloy, 2014, p.17) After reading this, it makes me feel as though students that have had a "digital childhood" will respond better if technology is used in their learning environment. They will be able to grasp concepts and information better because it is something they are familiar with. Children use technology for vast amount of hours when they are not attending school, they are more comfortable and do not need as much adapting to because of their knowledge in computers, internet, etc. For example, this online class isn't as difficult for me because I have taken many online classes and I feel very comfortable with Canvas. If I hadn't used canvas on a regular basis I would be extremely lost for this course. However, it is a tool that is very helpful for both the teachers and students. 

The second concept that I found interesting was using technology as an educator and how tools like tablets, smartphones, and laptops become a part of your daily lessons. I have a two year old brother and before he even turned two years old he knew how to unlock my iPad, search for his favorite game, and play it. It's incredible how children are learning and mastering these skills for technology. The video below shows how this school incorporated tablets in their classrooms.

The third concept I would like to discuss is, building my digital identity as a teacher. Personally I think creating power points, online flashcards, etc. are really fun. They can be a great way to get children's attention and help them learn new concepts but in a fun and interactive way. As a teacher I want to take my lessons out of the box, and incorporate new and exciting activities. This article is a great list of some applications that are very useful for the classroom, 52 Of The Best Apps For Your Classroom in 2015!

In conclusion, the future of education highly involves technology and as a future educator I want to ensure that I can get the best out of the new technology. I will use it as a learning tool for my classroom to benefit my students. 


52 Of The Best Apps For Your Classroom In 2015. (2014, December 14). Retrieved September 3, 2015. 

Introducing Tablets with Google Play for Education. (n.d.). Retrieved September 2, 2015. 

Maloy, R. (n.d.). Transforming learning with new technologies (2nd ed.).