The first concept I would like to discuss is how the use of PowerPoint can improve teaching and learning. PowerPoint is one of the most widely used tools in the world. It is a perfect way that teachers and students can present information in an engaging way. Personally, I feel much more involved and engaged when watching a power point presented by a professor. I rather write notes from a presentation that just the textbook. I would definitely incorporate PowerPoints into my lessons.I think it is important to get students involved in what they are learning instead of possibly feeling board from looking at a textbook. Powerpoints can be personalized, you can put as little or as much information as you want. I think it is important to use a combination of visual aids and factual information from other sources. Below I have created a PowerPoint presentation describing the different forms of multimedia that can be used in the classroom.

The next concept I would like to discuss is how involving taking photos and making movies can promote teaching and learning. As a future educator I would involve presentations using digital tools like pictures and videos to involve my students in learning. Taking photos and making videos get students more engaged with learning. They become involved in filming, acting, editing, and publishing These are great way to get the students more interested in learning. I would incorporate many different videos and photography in my classroom. It gives the students a chance to show their individuality and to not only learn about technology but to put it to use as well. These strategies are great for all grade levels, students of all levels can become involved in these activities. These strategies can also spark conversation and interactions between students. This is important not only for students to learn but to also use their skills to interact with others.
The third concept I would like to discuss is how podcasts and vodcasts are used for teaching in the classroom. Not only can podcasts be accessed throughout the internet, computers, smartphones, and ipods but they can be a great learning tool for students. There are so many topics that can be taught through podcasts. These can get students more involved with learning and more interested in the topic they are learning about. Podcasts make so many opportunities for learning through listening or viewing presentations. Students can grasp much more information when they are more interested in the form the information is presented. The YouTube video below is showing how much a classroom can benefit from viewing podcasts.
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc
Izquierdo, N (2015, November 4).Multimedia Technology . Created with Emaze.
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