The first concept I would like to discuss is, digital inequality. This term is used to explain how students lack access of technology. Some students do not have access to technology or have different experiences with technology. Some homes may have internet access while some do not and the only internet access they can attain in that of a cell phone. As a future educator I will involve more than one digital tools that way students can participate in different activities and can experience different forms of technology that they may not experience at home. Digital inequality is also another reason why I think it is a great idea to provide computers at school, and to provide lessons that incorporate how to use certain digital tools so that low income students, etc. do not feel left behind.
The second concept I would like to discuss is how teachers use technology they have in their classroom to enhance their lessons. As a student I would strongly dislike when a teacher over used digital tools in the classroom. Technology is meant to be used as an enhancer and to create more excitement for lessons it is not meant to replace teaching. I had an instance where a previous professor would only show power points and videos and class, this professor would not even read through the power points. As a future educator I would like to teach my students and by helping them understand certain concepts I will include digital tools, fun games, videos, etc.
The third concept I would like to discuss is how to become technology-leading educator! I think that it is important to utilize technology in a way that benefits the students without sacrificing teaching and your interaction with students. As an educator I would incorporate many different technological tools and even get together with other colleagues to discuss a more technological mindset. Because technology can be very overwhelming I think it would be really helpful if as a future educator I could be a technology-leader and help my fellow teacher. I could even have a fun meeting once a week where we all discuss our ideas involving technology and help each other have technology involved classrooms!

The presentation above is to explain the different stages of technological integration. I have also included a short video in the presentation! Enjoy! :)
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming
Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc
Izquierdo, N (2015, November 24). Stages of Technology Integration . Created with emaze.
Nice job on this last chapter blog post! :) I like that you created a digital tool via eMaze - good presentation tool. It sounds like you picked up some important concepts and are ready to better address your future classroom and technology implications. Do remember that there are usually two opposing sides to any issue and it is up to you to investigate both sides and decide where you fit best.